24 November 2006

Cool Movies

Guwe baru nonton Lucky Number Slevin ama Wicker Park, yg maen si josh harnet, itu masuk kategori film apaan ya? keren bener, ga jelas critanya, masa lalu n skarang bertaburan berbarengan mpe film abis .. tob deh..


20 November 2006

Dimaki atau dipuji ya?

Misalkan punya kita punya saudara, trus ada orang ngebantu nganterin saudara kita ini ketempat tujuan nya.

Nah orang ini kita ucapin terima kasih atau kita maki maki?

Si bush gendeng bin sarap ini kan udah bikin saudara kita mati syahid banyak banget tuh.. kita maki ato bilang terima kasih ya?


12 November 2006

Ngeheck Ye Em

Ini ada situs yang nyedian hack n patch supaya ym ga nampilin iklan.. hmm... kasian juga ya ym, tapi sabodo ah, lagian gw seumur umur blom pernah ngeklik iklan di aplikasi2 freeware jadi ya gw pake deh n bikin lumayan layar rada lega dikit hehe


*apa ini karma? adsense gw udah 3 taun ga nyampe nyampe 100 dolar? ihihihi...*


Preparation when die...

how can you prepare your love ones to take care of you when you die?

all i can remember is taking care of my debts, luckily i got all insuranced, so when i die, they dont have to thing all debts i've left.

about work, thats the problem, i got to prepare them so they can be continue by my wife/daughter and other colleagues

place to be buried? heck i dont know how to prepare that? left to the living one? hmm... got to ask that later to someone know it.

after life?
ridhotillahi rabba, wabil islamidinna, wabil muhammadin nabiya warasulla...
(I accept Allah as my god, Islam as my way of life and Muhammad as god's messenger)
hope that can help me...
